22년 12월 22일 EcoEng: 중국은행의 5년물 대출금리(LPR)가 주춧돌이 됩니다(underpin)

I’m fine, hello! Health is the day to go to art academy.My father was supposed to do his homework in the morning, but he was too busy in the morning.Instead, he spent the morning quite diligently. I made a lot of money, and today I’m going to listen to the word underpin that I found while listening to the news.However, I tried to finish by writing only one thing, but the contents related to the Chinese loan rate were organized quite compactly, and I included the contents as well.Please listen to what you hear over and over again.

We care about the five year cause that’s the one that underpines Mortgage rates.What we are interested in is the LPR 5-year interest rate. Because this is the basis of the mortgage loan.




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